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12 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions We Know You Can Keep

New year, new you! We’ve all heard the mantra and we’ve all made attempts – but let’s admit that a “new you” is hard for anyone to accomplish. You start the year strong, but within a few weeks, you’re more discouraged than ever…and that is no way to start a new year! Sometimes, starting with small changes will yield the biggest changes of all.

We have a list of very realistic and rewarding resolutions that will promote a positive mindset, self awareness, self acceptance, and grow relationships. Some are simple and silly and they might not be as lofty and exciting as “get in bikini shape by the end of March,” but they are much more appropriate for your busy lifestyle. And we know that nothing makes us feel better than actually achieving our goals.

How many of these realistic New Year’s Resolutions will you keep?

I will cut out at least one series of The Real Housewives

Garbage in, garbage out right? While it may me too much to ask to remove your TV entirely from your home, resolve to reduce the amount of mindless drama you consume. And if you’re feeling really ambitious – say “bye bye” to the Kardashians too!

I resolve reduce takeout orders to once a week.

While this one step will not get you “bikini ready” it will get you on the right track to making smarter decisions regarding what you put in your body. Take out and fast food is full of extra calories, fat, sodium, and less nutrients than the same foods prepared at home.

I resolve to work on breaking a nasty habit.

Especially if this habit happens to be detrimental to your health, mindset, or well being. Make your mind up to squash a nasty habits once and for all. You don’t have to quit them all at once…for now, just pick one. You can do it!

I resolve to spend less time feeling disappointed when I look in the mirror and more time feeling fabulous.

When you look yourself in the mirror, stop focusing on what you don’t like and take a minute to verbally tell yourself how awesome you are. Vocal, positive affirmations are proven to make you feel more confident, happy, and energized. We believe in you, and you should too!

I resolve call my parents more often.

More often is different for everyone. If you’re already talking everyday, then this resolution isn’t for you.  It is if you only wait for your parents to call you or only call them with you need something. “Just because” calls will have a positive impact on you, the ‘rents and your relationship. Put a reminder on your calendar every so often to call Mom and/or Dad. These don’t have to be hour long conversations- just check in and share something that happened or just see how their day went. You only get one set of parents, so make them a priority.

I resolve not get suckered into another “cleanse” or crash diet.

Crash diets and cleanses just don’t work. If you’re drinking a juice cleanse in addition to three balanced meals each day, then great! Juice it up. But if the juice is taking place of food, your insides will be frightened and shocked and will ultimately hate you. Just don’t do it.

I will find a workout I don’t despise.

Exercise can be fun! Resolve to pick up a new way to move your body in 2016. Take a dance class, join a club sport, or walk in a beautiful part of town.

I resolve to finish a Pinterest project I pinned last year

Pinterest can make anyone feel like a failure. I mean, how does anyone have the time and patience to create a sweater for their dog? Instead of spending hours pinning projects to endless boards, pick one that you know you can finish. It will feel great!

I resolve to do one thing that takes me out of my comfort zone.

Attend an event where you don’t know anyone, enroll in a course you’ve been interested in, call that friend you haven’t seen in years, ask for a new responsibility at work. Take a leap and commit.

I resolve to say “no” and not feel bad about it.

Just because you’re asked to do something, doesn’t mean you have to. Knowing when to say “no” or “no thank you” is about setting boundaries with what you know you have time and means to do without sacrificing yourself or other things you care about. Setting boundaries is not something to feel guilty about, it can actually be very empowering.

I resolve to reward myself…often.

We recommend taking time away from media to relax and reflect. We also know a great place to get a massage, facial, or body treatment.

See related: 8 Relaxing Things to Do In Wilmington You Probably Haven’t Thought of

I will stay in as often as I’d like.

It’s OK to skip the party or night out. Spending an evening catching up with loved ones by phone, writing a letter, reading a book, or taking a bath are perfectly acceptable ways to spend an evening.

These realistic resolutions will have you feeling great about yourself and your life in 2016 – which will you do first?